Contract Research & ManufacturingServices

Contract Research and Manufacturing Services (CRAMS) by Globe Chemie encompasses a set of services for Custom Synthesis, Process R&D, Scale up, Contract/toll Manufacturing of API’s, Advance Intermediates, Key Building blocks for in-market products and for NCEs from early phase development to commercialization stage. Our Manufacturing expertise is designed to handle a wide range of operating conditions with flexible scales. Our commercial manufacturing facility is with our Research and Development Lab, Pilot Plant providing end-to-end API Intermediates solutions from feasibility phase in R&D to commercial.

  1. Alkylations    
  2. Halogenations
  3. Cryogenic
  4. Chemical Reduction
  1. Amidations    
  2. Condensation
  3. Oxidation  
  4. Etherification
  1. Piperazines   
  2. Esterifications
  3. Hydrazine  
  4. Formylation
  1. Friedel Crafts
  2. Thiophene       
  3. Grignard    
  4. Swern Oxidation


Facility Located at 115 Miles from Mumbai with Plot Area 49707 square feet.